Coffee Flavorist Training

Coffee Flavorist study LV.1, 2

A training course to get you start a journey as a Coffee Flavorist. Understand the science behind sensory evaluation, which can be implemented to help with product development, marketing, roasting, tasting, and quality controlling scientifically. This course mainly focuses on descriptive part of sensory evaluation, making a comprehensive description. Coffee Flavorist are those, who make specialty coffee more fun and accessible. Test and Certificate from GCS Korea are included.


GCS Techno Roasting

GCS Roasting LV 1, 2

Understanding important chemical changes during the roast that affect complex flavors of modern coffee. This course will help you deciphering coffee chemical. The practices involve roasting in different profiles - according to the categories of coffee (F C B S), understanding aroma changes between each stage of the roast, profile correction, and profile evaluation. Test and Certificate from GCS Korea are included.


GCS Techno Brewing

Brewing LV 1, 2

Diving Deep into brewing. Understanding grid size, temperature, water and type of filter coffee equipment. Experimenting on various factors that contribute to the extraction of the brew. Brewers are expected to be able to recognize, distinguish and describe the brew by their categories(F C B S), and be able to brew by GCS standard. Test and Certificate from GCS Korea are included.


GCS Techno Barista

Barista LV 1, 2

Not only understanding perfectshot but factors that affect extraction - Ratio, Coffee Characteristics (F C B S), and milk. Attendees will learn basic latte art, espresso based menus, workflow, bar management, and pricing. Test and Certificate from GCS Korea are included.